Saturday, April 14, 2012


We arrived in Singapore in the late afternoon.  Princess did not meet us, so we took a cab to the Fairmont Hotel.  Very nice hotel with great service.  We had a message from Gretchen and Joe.  They were walking the streets, but we planned to meet for dinner.  Since they were recovering from jet lag, we went into the mall for a light supper.
My first full day in Singapore was spent in a walk-in clinic.  I found a lump under my arm and we decided to have it looked at.  The doctor sent me to a surgeon since she wanted it to be biopsied.  Long and short, I had a minor procedure to have it removed.  Stitches will be removed in 7 days on board the Diamond Princess. Not a fun first day.But we did head out to the famous Raffles Hotel to take a look at the Long Bar and of course, taste our first Singapore Sling. 

Our second day in Singapore we spent with Joe & Gretchen.  We went to the famous “flyer”, a huge Ferris wheel that goes around once every 30 minutes.  Of course, it rained, so my photos were not the best.  Are you starting to see a theme here?

this soccer field gives a new meaning to the word "ball boy"

Tonight is check in with Princess in preparation for our transfer to the ship tomorrow at mid-day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grandma and Grandpa,
    It seems like you are having plenty of fun on the trip. Maybe we could go on another cruise together for my high school graduation. I love you and can't wait to see you when you return home.
