Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16 - In the Gulf of Thailand

We boarded the ship yesterday, April 15.  It was interesting in so far as this was the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.  Cruise line did not say anything about this.  Guess they don’t want anyone panicking at the life boat drill. 
The first day on board is always chaotic.  You get through the boarding process, find your cabin and then wait for luggage to arrive.  Then you have to find a home for 3 suitcases of clothing for the next 35 days.  I do believe this will tax the organizational skills of Kathleen & Carlos!! 
Today, our first full day at sea was somewhat restful.  In the morning, I had my Cruise Critic “Meet & Greet”.  I was the organizer and about 120 passengers attended.  I sent invites to 10 of the officers and had 6 show, including the Captain.
Right now, we are heading up the coast to Laem Chabang, the port for Bangkok.  We will arrive at 7:00 a.m. Wednesday, which is 7 p.m. east coast time Tuesday.  I planned a tour for 12 couples to see the city highlights.  More on that after the tour.
That is about it for now.  I hope this finds everyone well.

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