Monday, April 2, 2012

D-Day April 3

All packed and we decided to leave the house on Apr. 2 in the evening.  Carlos' brother has so kindly invited us to spend the night 20 miles from Dulles. April 3 will be a somewhat leisurely morning instead of the insanity of an early departure from Bridgeville. 
The black one on the right "hopes" to make it to Singapore via Fed X
The game plan is:
Tuesday, get up around 6:00  and out the door headed for Dulles by 8:30.  The flight to L.A. leaves at 11:50 a.m.  So here are the "numbers" according to Carlos:
Hours before leaving house:         2
Hours at Dulles:                        3
Flight to L.A.                             6
On ground in L.A.                        11
Flight from L.A. to Hong Kong        14
Clear customs and get to hotel      2

Door to door "service"             38 hours

Maybe we need to re-think the clothes we are wearing.  Perhaps they should just be "disposable"; after 38 hours, we may not want to ever see them again.

According to my trusty-rusty map, this journey will have us traveling 27,750 miles, door to door in 48 days.  Check it out:

This will be the first "post" for the trip.  Will check in once we get to Hong Kong.  We have plans to have dinner with our neighbor, Phil, at Jumbo's.  Very touristy thing to do.

Adios, Zai jian, Ciao, Sayonara and Good-bye until later. 

1 comment:

  1. Wowwwww! I see you're very well organized. This trip will keep you very busy but happy. Wish you the best in this first journey to Hong Kong. Keep in touch.
