Sunday, May 6, 2012

Busan Twice

We are half-way home and to date, the weather and seas have been unbelievable.  You could not script nicer weather and calmer seas.  I have to keep wondering if this will be the case after Muroran on our six days crossing the Pacific to Alaska.
Busan is the port city of South Korea.  We had two ports of call here – one before Beijing and the other after.  Of the 2600 passengers who boarded in Singapore, only 700 stayed on and visited Busan twice.  We were two of those.  Our first stop was very short, less than 6 hours.  So I stayed on board and did laundry, while Carlos took the ship’s shuttle and rode it around town to get the “lay of the land”.  We decided we would spend time ashore on the second port of call here.
One thing I can say about both stops, the welcome and farewell shows on the dock were second to none.  There were Korean singers and dancers.
Carlos and I went off the ship on our own.  We used the ship’s free shuttle into the town and then walked around.  We stayed until about 2 and then returned to the ship for lunch.  Busan has two famous shopping areas – their fish market and the little shops and stalls just off the south harbor dock.  Since everyone seemed to be looking for something specific and we had nothing in mind to purchase, we decided it best to head into the maze of side streets in search of treasures.  We agreed to meet Gretchen and Joe a specified point and time.  The streets are organized based on the commodity – from T-shirts to plumbing fixtures, to art supplies and clothing.  I felt like a child lost in the maze and could not find my way out.  We would turn and end up in the same location.  In one back street, Carlos found an electronic store and bought himself a new portable DVD player.  Not too sure why, but I think it was a matter of little boys with their new toys.  I myself purchased nothing.  We met back up with Gretchen and Joe and ruled out going to the fish market.  I heard it was great, but you did need a strong stomach and decided mine was not that great that day. 
Lady resting on step -  I was captivated by her face and smile.  She must have been a beauty at 16.  .
A booth in the marketplace.  Looks like she was cooking pancakes.

As mentioned above, the sail away is one of the prettiest anywhere on the cruise.  I loved the ladies who did what I called “the fan dance.” 
Graceful fan dancers.

Singers with sign holders - It says "See you again Soon"

The second visit to Busan would be the Diamond’s last visit until the fall.  So the send-off was particularly nostalgic. 

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