Saturday, May 19, 2012


May 9, two May 10's, May 11, May 12, May 13  (crossed the International Date line and lived May 10 twice!!)

This was the longest time Carlos and I have ever spent at sea without sight of land.  And I worried we would not have enough to do.  On board a big ship like the Diamond, there is something to tickle everyone's funny bone.  Everynight I went in search of Mauritzio, a great piano player, who played songs from the 40's and 50's.  Not for me to dance, but to find the couple who are married 65 years - all 88 years old for him and 86 for her.  Boy, could they cut a rug.   Their joy was contagious. 

The weather during the crossing was cold followed by colder.  It was not exactly deck chair weather.  Funny, how every night they had "MUTS" (movie under the stars) going and no one watching!!!

Kathleen, hurry up and take the photo - I am freezing out here

We played cards with Joe and Gretchen, read a lot, and visited with all my cruise critic friends, both new and old.

And I got some shots of some of our friends.

Charlie our assistant waiter serving Charlie from TN
Beautiful May (84) with hubby Bill (86).  They sat at the table next to us.  I just loved her spunk.
Carlos with Teresita.  She called us Mommacita and Poppacito!!  I helped her with an harrassment issue. She said I saved her life.   
Joe and Gretchen looking at ship's photographer

Carlos with our waiter, Jeffrey.  He got off in Vancouver to go home to see his wife and daughter after being away 9 months.

Charlie & Terri
88 year old dancing with his 86 year old wife - could he dance!!
He held her so tight.  Just loved watching them.

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