Sunday, May 20, 2012


Today we were in Juneau for a whopping 6 hours.  We spent 3 of those hours on a boat in search of Free Willy!!  Yes, I booked another whale-watching tour with my favorite company – Harv & Marv.  I cannot say enough good things about this company.  Through word of mouth, they built this company from a small 2 man operation with one boat to a 6 Captain, 4 boat operation.  In the past, I have been on Jay’s boat – the Marv of Harv & Marv.  But this year, Jay is taking some time off and a group of 8 went out with Capt. Shawn; Meredith, Bob, Brian, Heather, Joe, Gretchen and yours truly.  We were on their biggest boat, a new 12 pax boat completely outfitted with individual leather seats that have shock absorbers.  Talk about a comfortable ride.
The day was overcast with rain in the forecast – but once again, the weather gods smiled upon us.  We had no rain.  According to Shawn, the colder, overcast skies lends itself to whale sightings.  And whales we did see.  Some of the great shots follow.  We found a loan eagle sitting on a buoy.  More great photos.  Along the way, we found some playful Dahl porpoises and Stellar sea lions. 
At the end of the day, we all agreed we had a great time.  We did stop in town for a very short (45 min.) shopping trip.  All our time (and money) was spent in Red Dog Saloon.  Too bad we didn’t have time this visit for a quick drink at the famous bar.
When I looked at Carlos during sail-a-way, I asked him if he thought we would ever return here.  He gave me a resounding “YES”.  I was very glad to hear that. Guess I will get that drink afterall.

eagle in flight

showing off!!
Shawn, our captain for the day at Harv & Marv
took some time, but did get a nice fluke shot
Spotting the "blow" just before whale surfaces

Carlos in front of the famous Red Dog Saloon.  No room inside, so spent our $$ in their store.

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